History of Mambusao Capiz

         The Spaniards began to colonize the Island of Panay sometime in 1615 after discovering a flourishing plain called “Tipic” which roughly mean “a part of the whole”. One day, as the story goes, the colonizers went around to see the place and passed by some women slicing white roots called “cayos”. The women were preparing the food for the coming lean months ( dried cayos serves as substitute for rice ). The Spaniards wanted to know the name of the place . Speaking in their own language asked “Como se Ilamo este pueblo?” The women did not understand what the strangers were saying. Thinking that the Spaniards were asking what they were doing, the women replied, ” Naga cuha busao,” which mean they were removing the poisonous juice from the root. How the Spaniards managed to translate the local dialect into Mambusao, of course is a matter of semantic error, but henceporth, they called the Mambusao.

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